Adam Bird


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Adam Bird is most likely someone you've never heard of...

He hasn't achieved anything particularly noteworthy or ground-breaking. He doesn't teach in a world-class seminary, has never given a TED talk and he's not particularly savvy in the use of social media.

He was born and raised in Willenhall, West Midlands where he won many awards, including BAGA gymnastics level 4, 25 metre swimming ribbon, Duke of Edinburgh (silver) and grade 2 Piano (he actually achieved his grade 8 piano but he doesn't like to blow his own trumpet.) (He also has grade 8 trumpet so he probably does like to blow his own...never mind!)

Aged 18 he moved to London where he earned a degree in Performing Arts (cue: Jazz Hands!), and more significantly, he met his future wife, Fru. They were married in 1995 and have since multiplied by 350% (5 kids - 2 boys, 3 girls).

Adam spent his early working years touring as a musician across the U.K and Europe. After completing a Masters Degree in Music Composition, he worked for 18 years as a lecturer in Composition for Film & TV in various London Universities.

In 2017, he and his wife felt God's call on their life to move across the country to plant and lead a new congregation for Sunnyhill Church (led by his brother, Dom).

Adam is a passionate and skilled teacher and loves nothing more than communicating complex Biblical truths using simple, easy to understand language and techniques. He has a deep love for God and a desire to see lives transformed by the freedom that comes from truly understanding the Grace and Gospel of Jesus Christ.

He is the author of more than zero(!) books (RESILIENCE is his first!), and he now lives with his family in beautiful Dorset, where they lead Sunnyhill Ferndown Campus, and also serve their local community as Foster carers.